viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

Vida en Chile... Hablar bien por detrás y mal por delante ;)

En días pasados, circulaba en internet el link al artículo 12 SIDE EFFECTS OF LIVING IN CHILE

Digno de ser leído es el número 11:

You start teasing your friends to their faces and complimenting them behind their backs. Chileans are a humorous bunch, and they get a kick out of teasing their loved ones. There’s a running joke amongst young Chileans that men speak disparagingly to one another’s faces and praise each other behind their backs, and that the opposite is true for women. Whatever the case, as a gringo you will be an easy target for some teasing and rather than get defensive, it’s best to join in!

Es una pena que se diga que lo contrario es cierto para las mujeres... :( Yo nunca lo viví así en mi grupo de amigas ;) Las bromas a las que se refiere es lo que llamamos "talla" :)

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